Share of generics in Japan

Recent attention for increasing the share of generic drugs sold in Japan brought the question what in fact it is? Estimates widely vary.

While negligible in the past in the last several years the sales have been slowly increasing as a result of the parallel efforts by generic drugs industry and the Government. The lobby group of the generic industry - the Japan Generic Pharmaceuticals Manufacturers Association, JGPMA (previously known as Ethical Pharmaceuticals Manufacturers Association, EPMA) launched an educational campaign targeting both general public and professionals involved (physicians, pharmacists). “Generic Drug Consultation” Card“Generic Drug Consultation” CardThe most practical step was the introduction of s.c. “Generic Drug Consultation” Card, which patients are supposed to show prior the consultation in a sign of willingness to accept generic versions of their medication. JGPMA supplied 300,000 copies of this Card to insurance bodies, pharmacists and member companies. (Note: hover the mouse cursor over the thumbnail image to see the card in actual size)

In addition, the JGPMA embarked on promotion in the mass media of the foreign "generics" - what now is used in the vernacular press and TV instead of the original Japanese term "late-comers drugs". Generics shareGenerics shareIn the campaign, a simple diagram (see and left) was widely used to demonstrate how much Japan is lagging behind all other industrialized countries in term of the share of generics: while 63% in USA, Japan 17% could be seen at the bottom. (the other countries in descending order are: Canada, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy). The date used for the compilation are credited to IMS Japan KK and other sources.

The JGPMA estimated that the sales of generic products reached 350 billion Yen in the fiscal 2006.

Data sourced from various publications; additional content by JKS staff

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